When I first started selling on Amazon it was just something I was interested in – but wasn’t doing Amazon wholesale selling yet. Over time I became obsessed with the idea, but I still had a day job.
I was a personal trainer, training clients from 5:30 in the morning to 9:00 at night and sometimes even later.
At one point my General Manager and I didn’t see eye to eye and I was “let go”.
Luckily I had already started my Amazon business, but I was doing the typical newbie stuff like Retail Arbitrage and dabbling with Online Arbitrage.
Wholesale – at that point – seemed like something only sellers with deep pockets could do.
In my mind, I’d have to save up for quite some time before I could even start.
After fumbling around for a few months with RA and a bit of OA I jumped full force into wholesale. I realized quickly that I couldn’t – easily – scale RA or OA very well and the work I did this week or even today would never pay dividends as wholesale products would.
I stopped sourcing 100% of my inventory and swore I would only purchase inventory that was wholesale.
Talk about backing yourself into a corner…