Vendrive helps sellers

Source Amazon Wholesale Products With Little Money

October 8, 2018 in Wholesale

When I first started selling on Amazon it was just something I was interested in – but wasn’t doing Amazon wholesale selling yet. Over time I became obsessed with the idea, but I still had a day job.

I was a personal trainer, training clients from 5:30 in the morning to 9:00 at night and sometimes even later.

At one point my General Manager and I didn’t see eye to eye and I was “let go”.

Luckily I had already started my Amazon business, but I was doing the typical newbie stuff like Retail Arbitrage and dabbling with Online Arbitrage.

Wholesale – at that point – seemed like something only sellers with deep pockets could do.

In my mind, I’d have to save up for quite some time before I could even start.

After fumbling around for a few months with RA and a bit of OA I jumped full force into wholesale. I realized quickly that I couldn’t – easily – scale RA or OA very well and the work I did this week or even today would never pay dividends as wholesale products would.

I stopped sourcing 100% of my inventory and swore I would only purchase inventory that was wholesale.

Talk about backing yourself into a corner…


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How To Quickly Move Bad Amazon Inventory

October 2, 2018 in Wholesale

You sit down at your desk, open your computer and log into your Seller Central account. More sales are flowing through and everything is looking as it should, but then something catches your eye – that new product hasn’t sold any units….

But it was checked in a full week ago.

Why on earth isn’t it moving?! You double check your initial analysis and the numbers look great. Regardless of what went wrong, bad Amazon inventory isn’t profitable.

It’s like throwing snowy mud beneath a car trying to get somewhere.

You realize the best solution for this failed product is to get rid of it, but how you think to yourself as you pour your second cup of coffee gearing up for what were you think is going to be a very interesting day.

What you may not realize – like most of us in this kind of situation – is that it’s really not as big of a deal as possible.

Typically, when fear or panic sets in, it isn’t because of the situation but because of our lack of knowledge of potential solutions.

By the end of this post, you’ll have enough knowledge to quickly solve for the above problem you won’t even take a second look. Just a quick thought and implementing a simple solution.


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How To Hire Your First Amazon Virtual Assistant

September 27, 2018 in Wholesale

So you’re doing well with your wholesale Amazon business and you’re ready to start growing.

You’ve automated and streamlined every possible system in your business but now it’s time for something more in-depth. It’s time to hire your first Amazon Virtual Assistant!

Imagine waking up every single morning to an email from someone around the world who did the work you have been doing for months or even years.

Even better, your Vendrive account pipeline is filled with highly filtered products that meet all of your buying criteria. You quickly glance at the dozen or so, picking through the best.

Hiring a VA can free up so much time in your business and allow you to focus more heavily on higher-value tasks like talking more frequently with your suppliers, managing a small team, etc…

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