Sometimes it helps to zoom out of what we’re trying to accomplish to gain a clearer picture. A better layout of our goals. For this blog post, I wanted to answer some very important but often overlooked questions – the Why, How and Where.
We all remember the who, what, when, where and why of writing, but for us, we’re only interested in the three mentioned above. We’re going to dive deeper into answering these questions as it relates to selling on Amazon and by doing so hopefully add some clarity to your business life.
Why Are You Selling On Amazon?
Out of all the business models in the world, why are you selling on Amazon? More important than that question is asking yourself your main why; why do you want to build a business anyway?
For some, it’s an easy answer (a terrible boss, financial freedom or spending more time with your family), but for others, it’s actually quite difficult. What if your life is pretty smooth sailing, but you want to try doing something else? What if you’ve always liked the idea of starting a business, even though you love your current job?
Whatever your answer is, it’s the correct one!
There is no right or wrong reason for why we do anything, but it’s important for you to know your specific reason. As times become more difficult or you hit a plateau, you need something to keep you pushing forward, whatever that reason may be.
How You Sell On Amazon is Just as Important
Making the decision to sell on Amazon is very important and if you’re reading this you’ve either already made the decision to sell using the wholesale model or you’re seriously considering it (and you totally should btw!).
Once you’ve decided to do so your next question becomes how. What’s step one in starting a wholesale Amazon business, what does the process look like getting approved for wholesale accounts, and what’s the difference between those who succeed and those who don’t?
Answering these questions allow you to develop a better, more tactical perspective of achieving your goal of successfully starting a business on Amazon.
Once you know exactly how to succeed, you need to do the work, right?
This leads me to our final question…..
Where You Do the Work and Staying Organized (BONUS)
The biggest difference between successful companies and those who fail are systems or how you actually do things. Armed with the right knowledge but no effective way to use it is wasteful. It’s no different than knowing how to pick amazing stocks 100% of the time but having no money to invest. Doesn’t really push you forward does it?
Likewise, having the right tools to succeed with Amazon is very important and many tools you’ll grow into as your business grows.
The major thing we’ve noticed with Vendrive users is how different they are. It’s not because they join being different, but how the use of our platform changes the way they see their businesses from a higher level.
Knowing exactly what to do every single day to move your business forward is incredibly valuable. Like having a personal trainer who does the legwork for you, giving you exactly what you need when you need it, Vendrive acts as your personal trainer for your business but without all of the costs associated.
The most common word we hear from user feedback is “Organization”. Such a simple and beautiful word. It encompasses so much power.
This simple word, when used could dramatically change many issues we deal with day after day in our lives. Imagine going to the DMV and rather than it being a complete mess it was organized….
How simple of an experience would it be?
If Organization could change the DMV, imagine what it would do to your business?
Now that you’re armed with answers, knowledge and an effective tool to help you move forward your business is primed for growth. Growth that we personally cannot wait to see you go through!