We often tell ourselves a story about both our lives and our businesses. Often, they are complete fiction – never based in any truth. Typically, we tell ourselves a story about those at a higher level business-wise then we are. They must have a huge team! Or, They must have started with TONS of money in the bank. Even if these things are true, it neither benefits or hurts us.
So ask yourself, what story are you currently telling yourself about your business or your life? Does it push you forward or actually hinder you? 99% of the time, it will hinder you. Rather than believing your own bul!@#t, reframe your story for the positive.
This leads perfectly into this weeks blog post – the unsexy truth behind building a seven-figure Amazon business.
This is what we’re typically shown on Youtube videos or Instagram pages revolving around starting a company. You work your ass off, but in a short-period of time, your life is perfect. The simple reality is that you will doubt yourself daily, not want to get out of bed because you may not be capable of growing anymore and you have no clue what the hell you’re currently doing.
The best way to combat this insane roller coaster that is entrepreneurship is to focus on the underlying systems and processes that work within your business. Instead of being an entrepreneur, you want to be a systems manager – someone who creates, maintains and ultimately optimizes systems within your business.
Sam Carpenter wrote in his book, Work The System (I’m paraphrasing here), that everything in your business is a linear, 1-2-3 process. Once you break down each process, it’s much easier to tweak, optimize and ensure continual success. I personally do this with my own business and it’s made a world of difference in how I see my company. It’s no longer this idea, but a machine filled with beautiful primary and secondary systems that I simply maintain. Sometimes I add a new system, sometimes I delete a system that doesn’t perform. I’ve written about this vaguely before in a blog post, but the simple truth is that there are a handful of simple systems within your business that will ensure you hit seven-figures or more.
I thought my business would be completely different going from six to seven figures, but it there is no difference. We’re lucky to play on scalability – It won’t take more staff, or a completely new business model, it’s just more volume. This may mean your processes and shipping system will need to be adjusted to a warehouse (maybe even a larger one), but that’s ultimately not a major change from a systems standpoint.
I harp weekly (if not daily) on the fact that you need to spend 90% of your time sourcing new accounts, which is also a system by the way and by doing so you’ll consistently hit your growth goals month after month.
Is the daily grind of building a six or a seven-figure Amazon business as sexy as the video above? NO WAY! What that video skates over is the reality of building a real business. Waking up not wanting to work because you don’t feel good, but knowing you don’t have a choice, because who else is going to do the work? The fact that you may go through a full month of heavy outreach/sourcing and come out with nothing…. But will you continue? Will you stick through the unsexy reality that is building a company?
Although it seems so simple, it isn’t easy. If you can accept the reality of being an entrepreneur and an active business owner, you will have zero problems reaching your goal. This is the unsexy truth behind those who reach higher levels, are able to travel while building their companies, live amazing lives and ultimately turn their story into their reality.
About The Author: Dillon Carter
Hi, with James, we're building Amazon tools that we wish we had when starting our own companies. We love tech, coffee, building systems and all things Amazon.
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