Another common question we’re asked is how much money do you need to really start a wholesale Amazon business. The simple answer is: however much you have right this very moment.
There is no definitive number of dollars one needs to start a business. The only difference is the actions you’ll need to take depending on how little or how much you have.
For instance, the more money you have the quicker you can scale and the less money you have the slower you’ll be able to scale, and shouldn’t take money out for quite some time. Either way, whether you’re starting with $500 or $50,000 you still need to get started.
There are only two ways to grow a wholesale Amazon business or any retail based business for that matter: Put more money in or take less out. (you could also do both, but I’m making a point here…)
Although this is a shorter post, I ensure you the lesson is just as strong as any other post. We tend to make up a great deal of excuses, fictional barriers that hold us back, sometimes greater than any real physical barrier. It’s important for us to question these barriers in our mind and find solutions.
Change your perspective from seeing stop signs to seeing obstacles. Always remember, the obstacle is the way!
About The Author: Dillon Carter
Hi, with James, we're building Amazon tools that we wish we had when starting our own companies. We love tech, coffee, building systems and all things Amazon.
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