Getting denied. It’s just part of the process and there really isn’t much you can do about it. Or is there?
Have you ever heard of the statement “the money is in the follow up”? Well now you have and let me explain how this simple task can completely change your business.
The Follow Up Method
Just because you heard nothing back from a supplier you reached out to does NOT mean you got denied. In most cases the supplier is busy and hasn’t gotten back to you yet or simply forgot. Knowing this changes your mindset. Have you ever forgot something before? Me too.
So what does this mean for you and your business? It means that a part of your weekly sourcing efforts should go towards following up with suppliers who haven’t responded in a few days, told you to wait until this month to reach back out etc…
Sounds too simple, doesn’t it? Simple is what gets you to six-figures and is easily the most consistent thing to do. When I finally listened to my mentors telling me to follow up my business took a huge upswing in not only approval rates, but in sales as well.
But what if they DID respond, but told you they hated your guts and to never email them again?
Simple; sell them on what you bring to the table.
Most suppliers will automatically deny you, but if you push back even the smallest amount will approve you. Why? Because they want to know how serious of a buyer you actually are. If you let a single email deter you, how serious are you about your business and getting approved for a new account? Not much is the answer.
Whenever I get a denial I immediately respond back with a few responses depending on what they actually said. If they just hate Amazon, I make sure to educate them on my business and that I’m not simply some “seller”. I run a real and professional ecommerce business that happens to sell on Amazon.
They told me I wouldn’t like MAP pricing….. Actually, I love MAP pricing and 90% of my inventory is MAP enforced.
They told me they weren’t taking any new suppliers on at this time….. Why? What would make that change and what qualities do they look for in a buyer?
Each problem is the solution, but you have to train your mind to see the simple solutions that can easily turn a denial into an approval.
Please take action on this immediately. Like tonight immediately. Go through every email you’ve sent to a potential supplier and follow up with them. You’ll be amazed at how many emails you’ll find in your inbox apologizing for forgetting to respond to you accompanied with a wholesale application or price sheet.
About The Author: Dillon Carter
Hi, with James, we're building Amazon tools that we wish we had when starting our own companies. We love tech, coffee, building systems and all things Amazon.
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