Excuses, excuses. We all start out with a bag full of them, but as we progress with our Amazon business, we slowly realize that each of our excuses was completely false, made up in our heads to feed us a story that inevitably holds us from achieving our goals. This naturally applies to every aspect of life, but for this blog post, we’re going to focus in on a common set of excuses we hear about why you cannot hit six-figures or more with your business.
Let’s dive into them one by one, shall we?
- Not Enough Time
I’ve written about how being effective is more important to your success than efficiency. At least at first.
The simple fact is that you’re starting a real business and that comes with some responsibilities and realities. One of those realities is that you’ll need to sacrifice in a few areas of your life. Obviously family should always come first but if you ever find yourself watching tv or relaxing during the week, maybe you aren’t being super effective with your time and need to refocus.
Many businesses have been started with the owner working full-time. The simple fact is that you’ll need to make time. Luckily, you can get a great deal of progress made in just ten hours a week.
- Not Enough Capital
Again, you’re starting a real business, but most of us started with less than $2,500. You can even start with $1,000, but know it will take you longer to grow your business to a larger level. One of the greatest things about this business is that the simple way to grow is to pour in more capital.
So growing the skillset to raise capital is very important. Especially going from six to seven figures a year.
- Cannot find “good” suppliers or profitable inventory
I’m just going to leave this here; How we consistently find profitable inventory week after week.
Don’t make it more complicated, don’t add on to it, just do the work day in and day out.
- I need a real business and permits!!
Actually, all you really need is an LLC (takes a total of 30 minutes and a few hundred dollars), EIN number which is free and instant and sales a use tax permit for your state which also takes a grand total of ten minutes and is also free.
Nothing more, nothing less.
- I have no idea how to get started
Yes, you do. If you read every blog post on this site you’ll know more than enough to get to six figures in sales on Amazon. Many people overthink things, including myself when I got started. It isn’t until you begin taking massive action and just put in the work that you realize how simple the whole thing is.
So put in the work and forget everything else.
- I have no idea how to buy the right inventory
This is one of the more real excuses of the bunch, but luckily for you, I recorded an in-depth video of how we analyze and source consistently profitable products and posted it in our private Facebook group.
About The Author: Dillon Carter
Hi, with James, we're building Amazon tools that we wish we had when starting our own companies. We love tech, coffee, building systems and all things Amazon.
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