So you’ve started your wholesale Amazon business and you’re growing, but you’re running out of time each day/week. Most likely you still have a job, a family and a kid or two. So time is pretty sparse for you. Welcome to entrepreneurship, where we gladly work 80+ hours a week for our “freedom”….
Yea, ok…
This is a serious problem with many entrepreneurs and it really needs to stop. You need to clearly document each task in your business, determine if it is actually providing value to you and your business and move forward with a clearer head.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a firm believer in the hustle, but if you hustle wrong for too many hours, you aren’t hustling any more, you’re wasting time. Once you become super effective with your time, THEN you start to hustle and put in crazy work that actually yields massive results.
An Introduction to The 80/20 Principle
If you lay out every single thing you can do in your business right now (no serious, write them all out…) you will most likely find that 20% of those tasks actually move your business forward and the rest are either not worth doing at all or should be passed on to someone else.
For the most part, you’ll spend the majority of your time doing one of two things: Sourcing inventory and processing that inventory.
Everything else is just noise for you to feel like you’re putting in the work, but in reality you’re really not yielding much more for your time.
This is how successful business owners work modest hours and still manage to accomplish so much.
Luckily for you the second thing you would be doing, mentioned above, is processing your inventory. But you’re thinking high level about your business and you realize that it’s really not the best way for you to build and grow your business.
Instead of processing and shipping yourself, you do one of two things: hire someone locally to prep and ship your inventory or (my personal favorite) start working with a prep company that specializes in Amazon and you never see or touch your inventory for many years to come.
Wait, did I just show you the only two things you should really be spending 80% of your time doing and then cut that in half? Why yes, yes I did. You can thank me later.
What’s Left Over?
So where does this leave you in terms of hours and moving forward?
It leaves you spending the majority of your time doing the most effective work in your business: sourcing new inventory to add to your account and placing orders. The rest can be done in under an hour each week, automated, delegated or simply deleted.
You never want to get caught up “playing” business. Instead, you want to actually be building your business month after month and if you have limited time each week to focus on your business, you really don’t have a choice but to be very clear on where those few hours need to go.
Even if you are full-time, don’t you think you could grow your business better if you spent 80% of your time ONLY adding new accounts, placing new and restock orders? Yeah, I think so too…
So here’s the point: In order to really grow your Amazon business you have to focus the majority of your effort in the most effective and important tasks. Those tasks being sourcing inventory and placing new or restock orders. Do this, and you’ll be a seix-figure seller in no time.
About The Author: Dillon Carter
Hi, with James, we're building Amazon tools that we wish we had when starting our own companies. We love tech, coffee, building systems and all things Amazon.
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